The Synergies Market - $(title)

About Us

Synergies Work

Why This Matters

Synergies Work: Building One World

The Synergies Market is more than just a place to buy products and services - it's the start of a movement that addresses the need for equity and opportunity among disabled business owners.

Synergies Work launched in 2016 with the goal of building one world, where people with disabilities truly belong. Since then, we've been proud to work with over 200 entrepreneurs who are breaking barriers and proving that anything is possible.

Despite the fact that 1 in 5 Americans have a disability, many disabled-owned businesses are still being left behind in the rapidly changing digital landscape. That's why we created the Synergies Market - an online bazaar where these incredible entrepreneurs can showcase their products and services to the world.

When you shop at the Synergies Market, you're not just buying unique products and services - you're also supporting businesses that are making a real impact in their communities. And we make sure that 95% of the money you spend goes directly back to the entrepreneur, with only a small portion used for payment processing and technology infrastructure.

So come and explore the Synergies Market. You'll discover a world of incredible disability-owned businesses, and you'll be doing your part to create a more inclusive economy for all.

The Synergies Market - $(title)
The Synergies Market - $(title)
The Synergies Market - $(title)
  • "A breath of fresh air in its approach to entrepreneurship for those of us with differences and challenges."

  • Noah Sebeck, Owner of Quirk Mentoring for Non-Speaking Autistics
The Synergies Market
  • "This is the most accomplished I have felt in a long time and I couldn’t have done it without Synergies Work."

  • Joshua Williams, Founder of Handi Acc